Sunday, June 8, 2008

Can you move your feet?

His feet were on my side of the dinette bench,
not just on my side, but in the exact middle
of my side of the dinette bench, the
exact place where I have liked to sit the
last fifteen years.
His feet bisected the dinette bench so
that I could sit neither to the left or the right,
inside or outside, and worse yet,
he seemed completely oblivious.
So again I asked, can you move your feet over?
A pause, I wait, slowly, ever so slowly,
as if from a Herculean effort, his feet slide over
six inches and I sit for a few minutes
and get up and his feet slide over to the
exact middle of the dinette bench.
I come back and I stand at the side of the
bench and I ask if he can move his feet over.
In complete surprise and somewhat irritated,
his feet move over, as if from a Herculean effort,
and they slide over six inches, and so
this goes on over many years as our hair
gets grey and bunnies grow old and are replaced,
Daisy IV, Snowflake II and Butterscotch III.
Buddy II and Portia III are curled at our feet
when we both actually can sit at the dinette
together, but now I don’t try to sit across from him.
I slide up next to him and he scoots over
without noticing that he had to move his feet.

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