Friday, June 6, 2008

A day in the life of a young geologist in Namibia

A day in the life of a young geologist in Namibia

She momentarily stops eating dinner
to watch shooting stars
streak across the Namibian heavens.
She’s ravenous after a full day
of scrambling up and down
rocks formed 452 million years ago
in scorching sun, precisely
marking their locations onto aerial maps.
The landscape is like New Mexico, with
the addition of giraffes and black mambas,
and she watches her step and where she
places her hands as she pulls herself up
to the next ridge.
She rises with the sun and sleeps under stars.
I momentarily stop making dinner to
walk 2 feet to the refrigerator to get
a chilled carrot and cut it up to feed
my spoiled house rabbits, whose largest
threat to my health is running into my
feet as they skid across the
kitchen floor.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Glad to see you've heard from Karen. What an experience she is having!