Thursday, June 19, 2008

Earth in an Oven

Earth in an Oven

Let’s cook today!
We’ll drive to Wendy’s from work,
it’s at least 6 blocks away
and it’s hot outside.
Let’s use the drive-up and
keep the engine running so
we can keep the ac on high.
I have plenty of room for you
to join us. I bought my nine seat
mini-van so I have room for
my kids’ friends when we drive
a couple miles to get ice cream.
Our bikes still have flats from
two years ago. Been too busy
to fix them anyway and the kids
don’t like to get sweaty.
Let’s cook tonight!
We’ll drive up to the mountains
in our new RV and have an old fashioned
cookout! We can use our gas-powered
generator to run the T.V. so we don’t
miss the latest episode of “Lost”
and run the AC if it’s hot.
The kids might get bored
if we just expect them to run
around in the woods and I
don’t want them to get hurt.
We can drive back tomorrow morning
in time for the in-laws flying in
from Nebraska for the weekend.
For a few moments tonight,
we’ll watch the stars
circling overhead and feel awe at
the beauty of our Mother Earth.
The art work shown above is by Scott Reuman of Conundrum Designs. He is an artist in Nederland, CO, who is well known for his artistry in wood, pencil, ceramic, glass and just about everything in between. He is a master craftsperson and artist. You can see more of his work at or come by my house. I have some of his work!

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

I'll drive right over and take a look. :^)

Interestingly, I've learned that even developing countries are not exactly laid out well for anything but a car. (and that not so well, either) It's as if we've forgotten why God gave us legs and feet.