Friday, June 27, 2008

Lars and the Real Girl

Lars and the Real Girl

the beauty of projection.
creating the perfect love
for imperfect needs.
the tragedy of reality
when ordinary people
don’t fit those needs,
and everyone is thrown to
the winds, like chaff
drifting in shifting winds.
the gift of his projection,
a painless death opening
doors to the real girl.

I would not call this a “offbeat comedy” as advertised. I found it
quite moving. Good acting, good drama.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully my art will be of some interest too.
Entirely uncommercial.
Ping Desktop / Laptop Wallpapers
- Peter Ingestad, Sweden

Genevieve said...

Oops. Let that comment through which should not be on my blog. Only I can supply links to other sites of interest. I'm not sure how to remove this comment, either!