Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time Slows Down

Time Slows Down

time slows down
on the bus to Denver,
as the man in the wheelchair
is hoisted up, the lift whirring
in the summer air.
a girl with dreadlocks
and earbuds discusses
the fare at length with
the bus driver, then calls her
“sir” as she heads down
the aisle, plopping into
the seat in front of us.
We discuss the fare increases
and how no one really pays
cash on the bus anymore and
how Obama’s campaign is not
run very well and what if McCain
wins, and D’s knees are pressed
a little harder against the seat
back every time the girl with the
dreadlocks and earbuds leans
back in her seat, accompanied
by a loud sigh.
time slows down when the
view is a bit different, and
and a single evening interrupts
the relentless stream of time
passing by.

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