Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm Not Ready to Go Grey

I’m not ready to go grey,
regardless of my feminist leanings,
my full and unequivocal support
for those who do.
Grey doesn’t match the color
of my freckles, the color of
the seat on my 50 cc scooter,
or the warm color of my skin.
I’m not ready to go grey
even though I know I should.
I am so vain as to enjoy when
people seem surprised that
I’m fifty and have two kids in college.
Even if they don’t really mean it.
One day, my hair will be
a wave of silver
and I will be beautiful.


Tracy said...

That's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Me neither!!! I have 5 grey hairs! or is it gray hairs???

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, sister.