The Lonely Guidebook
I was never much of a planner.
Vacations were random at best,
disastrous when an expired passport
was discovered three days before
departure for Italy.
A successful trip was when I left
the house with a credit card, clean
underwear and a slip of paper with
the airline and flight number on it.
A toothbrush was a bonus, and
a sandwich, apple and some chocolate
in my bag was a home run.
Tonight, I sit mere inches from
a guidebook to Costa Rica.
I think it might even be calling to me
to at least crack open its cover,
look at a map inside or a few
pictures, turn it over, or
at least, move the paper sitting on
top of it off to side so I can see
the picture on the cover which is
surely lovely.
Not me, I say back to the book.
I’m not getting lured into spending
endless hours with you or your friends.
I was never much of a planner
and it’s not going to change tonight.
I’m busy watching the polls.
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