Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cleaning House on Election Night

Cleaning House on Election Night

I listened to the radio
as I vacuumed and dusted
corners which had gone untended
way too long.
Pennsylvania called by NPR,
as I wiped all the windowsills
upstairs. Massachusetts, New York
in hand as the dust was swept
from the top step down each one
until it collected on the ground
floor. Somehow it
felt urgent to clean house
tonight, to be able to wake
up tomorrow clean and fresh.
Once the house was clean, I
listened to the televison and
watched as the old ways were
swept away. The hatred
and division, the lies and the
hypocrisy. I watched Black
and White stand together on that
stage in Chicago, cheered on by
a million strong. Yes, it’s
time to clean house, dust the
windowsills and start tomorrow
anew, working together for a
new America.

1 comment:

Cecile said...

One of my colleague told me that today she was so proud to be an American that she was going to buy a flag. She is in her fifties and it will be her first flag. She had tears of joy in her eyes.

Yes, we can !