Saturday, November 1, 2008

Alec's 55th Birthday party

The professor from the University
has gotten a few more grey hairs since I met her
15 years ago when I worked in the
Physics Department, and the old girlfriend
of my brother’s is getting married
in January to a guy we used to ride bikes with.
P. is still going to St. Thomas Aquinas
even though the Paulists have pulled out,
because her mother is 80 and just
wants to see her friends over Coffee.
The hell with what the priest says.
Her daughter had some trouble but
is dating a Republican now, a good chap.
Where are the nice Democratic boys,
we remark to each other.
I met C. last weekend with K.
and L. just moved to town from
Southern California and is living
north of town, close to the running trails.
It’s Boulder and we are all connected
by one degree of separation.

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