Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ms. Haskins made her an anarchist

Ms. Haskins made her an anarchist.
Too many inane and irrelevant emails
destroyed her desire to become
a well-rounded upstanding citizen,
to making a grand contribution to society.
Instead, she raged at at the Machine,
the anonymous email address, What info, she demanded.
There was none, no reply, no face,
just a name, Ms. Haskins, typed
at the bottom of the page in 12 pt
Times New Roman.
Anarchy grows like a weed in
the desolate landscape cultivated by
the tools of bureaucratic anonymity.
Ms. Haskins is the penultimate gardener.

1 comment:

frizatch said...


BTW, remind me to show you a New Yorker I read recently... there's a poem in it that reminds me of your style.