Friday, January 24, 2020

Artists selling their wares

Out  on the beach, vendors approach with beautiful things that they have made themselves.  Men who have been lived abroad for many years, sending money back to their families of numerous children (6  children seems to be the usual number).  These guys are not selling cheap junk from China - hand made stuff, their stuff. And we talk - they are proud people .
I bought a necklace from the same guy from whom I had bought a necklace last year!  He remembered us, especially Saliou who is a brutal bargainer.  Even I cringe at his counteroffers.  In the end, everyone is happy and goes away smiling.

For instance, the painter (and maker of my new necklace) started at 18,000 cfa per painting.  By the end I had the necklace and the painting below for 13,000 cfa (about $22).  The man selling the musical instruments lived in Morocco for a long time.

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