Monday, January 20, 2020

My birthday party

January 18 was my birthday; I was going to be in Dakar and I wanted a party. Why not??  I didn't really know who it's done in Senegal.  All I knew is that it's NOT done.  Muslims make a point of not celebrating birthdays.  I discussed what might be best to do with Chef David in the US and he suggested 3 p.m. at a local bakery chain called Brioche Doree.  I realized (was reminded) when I arrived in Dakar that expecting people to show up any particular time was crazy, and I went to Brioche Doree and it's expensive and not even good

Saliou recommended that we do the party at Residence Ba and we had this plan to have the party on the rooftop terrace even!  The cleaning people cleaned up there, got rid of the thick layers of dust that cover Dakar.  Chef David said that he would get a cake (!), Saliou and Badou went out and bought disposable stuff like spoons, napkins and cups.   We decided on food - local food from the (hole in the wall) restaurant down the street, which is very good and inexpensive. And people started showing up!

I got TWO cakes.  The one from the comedian had my name spelled "DJenny", which made me laugh.  And I got a dress!  It was WAY too small and I reluctantly told Khadi.  No problem!  Ousman had made the dress.  We went back in the bedroom, and while I had on the dress, he ripped out seams all around the bodice using my Swiss Army knife, repinned the dress and I wore it the rest of the evening.  I hadn't even realized it was pinned...Quite remarkable!!

For the record, to remember how fun this was - Saliou, Badou, Ameth, Elhadji, Djibi, Chef David, Cousine Issa, Ousman (tailor),  Seydou, Moustapha, Khadi, Jean-Bernard (huge guy who lives in France), a baby, two adorable little girls (all kids of Khadi), and a few others, friends of Ameth from Mpal.

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