Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Meeting up with government officials

Chef David and Djibi picked me up at 7 am to go downtown to government offices.  Most of the way down, Djibi, a rather famous comedian here in Senegal, complained about not only the government, but even more the lack of discipline of the Senegalese people.  Ils s'en foutent.  and that a person can't ever work for themselves alone because a whole series of family and friends are always behind them asking for money.  It sounds horrible.

Anyway, I am quite off topic.  We arrived at the office and the attorney was not there BUT he showed up shortly afterwards and we spent about two hours in his office.  We actually got something done!  First order of business was to change the type of organization.  He had us down as a "commercant" meaning a business that would make money and pay taxes.  I got that changed over to non-profit.  That all took quite a long time, but the guy worked hard and I was happy with the result.  WE received documents to review, I did a bunch of edits and I think we're ready to submit the documents.  It's all free, but we kicked in a "tip" of $80 US to help the process along. This is Africa.  In America, it would be fraud/illegal/etc.

Tomorrow, we have a meeting with some advisors to a mayor somewhere here in Dakar. Where/when, no idea, but I'll find out at some point.

Vive L'Afrique!  ; ))))

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