Saturday, January 18, 2020

Despair and Hope

If one thing is clear, it's that Senegal has an abundance of talent, of well educated people who are willing to work.  And the political system here is so corrupt that nothing works.  Frankly, it makes the politics of the US look like nirvana.  Things do get done in our country.  Even though opportunity is not even in the US,  a person has a chance to succeed.  Jobs do exist.  Here, my friend, Badou, spends 4 hours a day in buses spewing pollutants for an interesting job in a French owned company that strings their employees along, not paying them, then finally, maybe giving them a 6 month contract for a minimal pay.  It sickens me.  But they keep going (some of them) the hope that life will be better for their children.

Nothing works here.  No one can be on time.  I understand why they hold on to Allah, what else is there?

I am happy to say that the US is a good player here, helping the people.  Much more than the French who merely take.

So, what is the hope?  That the spirit that they keep alive will eventually prevail.

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