Sunday, October 10, 2021

The heart and lungs

The split, the shunt, the descending aorta.
on a boring day, thank the Creator for this boring day,
we can discuss over dinner how the heart and lungs work.
enjoying homemade apple pie with vanilla ice cream,
we watch a video on pulmonary hypertension, 
and follow up with sketches and annotations,
Susan asks for a copy; Karen says my handwriting is too messy.
I'll understand now when Daniel tells me about right to left shunt
(really bad) where de-oxygenated blood flows into oxygenated blood,
or left to right shunt (bad, but not as bad) when oxygenated blood flows
back into the de-oxygenated blood heading to the lungs.
and the split, having to do with valves not closing at the same time,
when they should, because pressures are wrong.  
I understand this now.
I hope for more boring days where baby steps are taken
toward recovery, that our Owen will be able to come home.

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