Monday, October 11, 2021

Day 19: No progress, no deterioration

he's on his own schedule
in a way, I'm not surprised -
he is the son of two spiriting parents,
one who climbs onto refrigerators at 10 months,
the other who put away his toys for 9 months 
when his sister showed up, how dare her.
he has taken two weeks to show that blood
can flow mostly the right way in his heart,
all while we planned to donate his kidney,
hold on, he says, I'm not done yet.
that said, every time I hear the ring of a text,
I brace myself for the worst.
Instead I will myself, tomorrow, to expect
the best news, or at least, no news,
as I wait, sometimes impatiently, for Owen
and his doctors to deliver the good news
of his impending homecoming.

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