Friday, October 15, 2021

I am so cute!

I am so cute! 
I open my eyes and gaze steadfastly at 
looking past the tubes and wires,
I see ME! 
Alive and fighting to escape this place
To not have to listen to bad karaoke
and the Alchemist.
I'd rather listen to Harry Potter;
Mimi told me it's better.
I understand it might be awhile,
but I will fight to get out 
as soon as possible.
I am missing Mimi,
as she misses me. 10/15/2021

Update:  Owen has a new infection, detected in his blood and urine; antibiotics will handily take care of that quickly.  Next week it's critical that Owen make progress in reducing the pressure in his lungs, so that we can get him off the heart-lung machine.  His team of doctors, probably the best in the country, if not the world, are increasing the medication to help dilate the capillaries in this lungs.  

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