Saturday, October 9, 2021

Day 16: I love to go a'wandering

I love to go a'wandering
 along the mountain track,
and as I go, I love to sing
my knapsack on  my back

Val-deri, val-dera
my knapsack on my back.

I love to wander by the stream
that dances in the sun
so joyously it calls to me
"Come, join my happy song"

I will always sing that song to you, my darling Owen,
and feel you in the wind, the golden aspen trees
that left us in awe on the drive up the canyon,
the thrum of the motor, my brother, the wind in my hair,
the sun falling behind the clouds, the rain,
all of nature in display, all the ways I will feel
you, when I go see Owen the fish, when I go see Owen
the turtle up where I would pray for you.  
I will go there often and we will talk
in that special language between a grandma
and her beloved grandson.
I love you, Owen.  

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