Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dog in Thunderstorm Season

before we could detect a sound,
dog is standing erect, ears back,
his tail arrested in space for a
moment before dog starts crying
and prancing, and we moan that
it’s thunderstorm season.
we hear something from our office,
the crackle of lightning, the building
rumbles in response.
no doubt dog has finished panic stage
one and entered panic stage two;
with no intervention in sight.
(we work by the way).
dog goes for window that once
provided escape nine years ago,
easily ripping wood window framing,
then realizing dog door is open and
easier than fully destroying the window
dog exits house and proceeds to
destroy gate
we go home to get dog before
gate completely destroyed, otherwise we
will find him outside in the park
barking at a tree

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