Friday, April 16, 2010

pushy women who need to be right

you’ve met a few of them.
short ones with stiletto heels, an imperious glare;
they walk down the sidewalk with their
Doberman pinschers; miniature so
that they can look taller than they are,
more powerful than they really are.
there are others; you’ve met the ones
who pretend to be sweetness and light
with their cute curls and softspoken voices,
but who hammer you relentlessly, biting
at your legs like a junkyard dog with a pink
ribbon, until you jump over a barbed wire
fence just to get away.
watch out for pushy women who need to
be right, especially the nice ones, the ones
who offer help; run quickly before you
agree to something you’d regret.

Thanks to EM for prompt for this poem

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