Monday, April 12, 2010

Found Treasures While Picking up Garbage

Three of us in orange vests
flitter in and out of ditches
lined with stands of broken
stalks and matted grasses
looking for trash; the usuals are
in good supply:
empty bottles
of Budweiser and Southern Comfort,
crushed Marlboro packets and countless
cigarette butts.
We talk about latest novels, sisters,
getting dropped on a “B” ride,
until we realize Sharon has fallen behind,
like a dog does when he has found a
particularly tasty morsel where even
a stern call from his master will not
pull him away.
She came towards us holding her
treasure, a small jawbone with teeth
still intact.
We dutifully admired it and got back to our
chatting; Jim’s bad back, Jamie Oliver’s
new weekly show and where to buy
good quality meat.
I always find friendship in those ditches
amongst the dead bones and
cigarette butts.

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