Friday, April 2, 2010


Relaxing over a glass of wine,
I speak seven languages:
Recognition, Love, Discernment,
Beauty, Friendship, Sensuality
and Knowledge.
while I sleep, I speak the languages
of Fantasy, Dreamwork and Rejuvenation,
and when I work, I speak the
languages of Perseverance, Diligence
and Learning.
we go to school to learn English, French,
Latin, Greek or Italian, still impoverished
we seek new languages that are found
elsewhere, in the embrace of a lover,
a phone call with a child, warm
between the sheets of our beds at night,
in our offices, our noses in
the pages of a book which fascinates us,
not a dictionary in sight.

1 comment:

frizatch said...

Thumbs up from this reviewer!