Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween, little Yoda

Happy Halloween, Little Yoda,
who does not look too happy dressed up in such silly atire...
rather undignified for the son of Daniel and Tori.
Too young to overrule his mother,
reluctant arms and legs threaded through 
appropriate openings - 
ok, this year, next year, we'll see. 10/31/2021


Saturday, October 30, 2021

apple pie for the family

an apple pie for the family
mimi and opa, mama and papa
uncle jacques and aunt chris
grandpa mitch
still warm, gently placed in my basket
for delivery to the big house on the hill,
mama and papa's house
the only one missing is little Owen
where is he
he will have to wait for the next pie.

Friday, October 29, 2021

a place to pray

the sun is getting low in the sky
blinding me.
I close my eyes to pray
to the Mystery, the Power, the Unknowable,
that we call God, I will call God.
The He, the She, the Infinite, the force of nature
that drives water and nutrients up a tree trunk to 
feed every leaf,
just like the blood from the heart should
flow across every alveoli to carry oxygen 
to the body
I think of that as I gaze up to avoid the
glare of the sun in my eyes, 
the reflection from the pond.
I pray for Owen,
for Daniel and Tori, for all those
who suffer,
especially children.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Let me rest

can't you see that I am sleeping, handsome in my new shirt...
and can't you tell that I don't want a new diaper right now...
and can't you give me a few days rest after the last insult,
pulling that horrible tube from my throat, and inserting
the cannula in my beautiful small nostrils.
Isn't is enough to be able to sit next to me and admire
my beautiful skin, my perfect lips, my large hands,
which will take on the world, 
when I am ready.
when I am ready.
I will decide. 10/28/2021

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Mother and Child

she holds her child, this child,
our Owen, the one who danced with death,
the one who has challenged every obstacle
and come out,
perhaps a bit bruised and groggy,
but still with us.
this mother has loved and caressed her child,
this child,
every day and every night, willing
and praying, singing and reading,
holding him in her heart
until this day,
this day, she holds him in her arms.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Classic Mira

well, she's worried, too, 
although perhaps not about her little cousin, Owen
this is, after all, classic Mira, assessing the situation
and finding "it" wanting, whatever "it" may be.
she may be urging her Mimi to take climate action seriously,
which I am planning to do, by the way,
or may be about to sneeze, maybe she is looking at 
her father with a look meant to alert him to his being
"inappropriate" - he may be making a big goofy smile
she would have issues with that.
We don't know exactly what Mira is thinking,
but I sure can't wait to find out. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Spread the love

while Owen sleeps in his NICU bed,
this one needs a nap while his mom paints
colorful patterns on neighborhood streets.
this little one, warm under the borrowed blanket
of the infant next door, sleeps.
finally, after blocks of walking and singing,
finally in a leaf-covered quiet driveway,
he sleeps.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


Joy is holding your son in your arms.
In that moment, the warmth of his skin
against yours, there is no greater joy. 10/23/2021

Friday, October 22, 2021

Back in Dad's arms

back in Dad's arms,
his skin against mine, I rest after
my surgery, how hard that was
but I am still here
in Dad's arms, warm in Dad's arms.
what road this has been, ejected so forcefully
into the world one month ago, sirens,
flashing lights, beeps and wires, 
tubes, oxygen
here I am in Dad's arms, my Dad.
My Dad.  10/22/2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Our miracle baby is still with us!

Sucking on his ventilator tube, he
calmly returns to his NICU room,
ho hum, no big deal, no more heart-lung machine.
I'm here, I'm still here.  
I'm the miracle baby, the one who was signed
up to donate my kidney, about to be let go,
until my little echocardiogram showed "something", 
a shift of some sort and my trajectory did an about face.
and then
well, not so great, and about to give up hope
I'm still here
sucking on my ventilator tube, contentedly even,
waiting for the next step.
I'd like to go home. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

We had fun and laughed, even when we may have wanted to cry

It's hard to imagine laughing when your
baby, your son, is on life-support.
Humans are amazing, in the most dire circumstance,
one can find joy, if one looks hard enough,
if one allows that feeling in, in spite of it all.
his hand in hers, he's making a joke,
laughing at it even if it's not that funny.
one adapts, as one has to, 
even knowing that in one second or one
minute, the game may be over and finding
joy may be hard to find,
until you do. 10/20/21

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

I'm still here with my rattle

I'm shaking it now!  one, two, three!
I'm still here with my rattle,
my mom and my dad, the nurses and the doctors.
late at night, with my grandpa and my grandma.
I'm still here, world.
We're waiting, world, to see if I can
take my rattle home.
The waiting is the worst, we all
want me to go home, I want to
go home. 10/19/2021

Monday, October 18, 2021

A bad day

 the tests did not go well.
the plans fell through.
long hours of talking with doctors
is there a path forward, a last push.
a couple or three days to clear an infection
a higher dose of drugs
but the window of hope is closing
and we push our love for Owen, push him
to keep going, keep fighting

but inside, I fear the light is dimming.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Owen's hands

Owen's hands 
will grab life by the horns -
I know this to be true.
the dials will spin wildly as his lungs
take in oxygen; the doctors will be stunned.
Our Owen, the fighter, will take on the world.
I know this to be true. 
At three weeks, he already needs his fingernails
to be clipped, the rattle is tiny in his grip.
Our fighter, Owen, will heal this week,
his lungs will expand to take in the
This much I know. 10/17/2021

Update: Tomorrow is the big day when Owen will go through some stress tests by reducing the ECMO heart-lung machine to see his reaction.  I pray for him to shock everyone with his strength. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Hey macarena!

mama and baby at play,
hey macarena, hey macarena!
his hand gripping the rattle, her hand
guiding his to shake the rattle,
singing to the tune, the rhythm of
hey macarena! 
then letting his hand go, he keeps
his grip and tries to shake the rattle
but it's a little bit too hard.
tomorrow is another day,
next week is another week. 10/16/2021

Owen update:  Lots of play today with his papa.  Starting Monday, the medical team will try to reduce the support from the ECMO to see how things look as far as getting him off that.  

Friday, October 15, 2021

I am so cute!

I am so cute! 
I open my eyes and gaze steadfastly at 
looking past the tubes and wires,
I see ME! 
Alive and fighting to escape this place
To not have to listen to bad karaoke
and the Alchemist.
I'd rather listen to Harry Potter;
Mimi told me it's better.
I understand it might be awhile,
but I will fight to get out 
as soon as possible.
I am missing Mimi,
as she misses me. 10/15/2021

Update:  Owen has a new infection, detected in his blood and urine; antibiotics will handily take care of that quickly.  Next week it's critical that Owen make progress in reducing the pressure in his lungs, so that we can get him off the heart-lung machine.  His team of doctors, probably the best in the country, if not the world, are increasing the medication to help dilate the capillaries in this lungs.  

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Cute clothes - too small for Owen now!

so cute! a knitted sweater with matching pants,
onesies for newborns and striped pants, a little
red sweatshirt, some tiny sneakers on the top shelf.
All too small for Owen, our beefy baby boy
who gains weight over in the NICU, rapidly
outgrowing these adorable clothes.
we wanted him home, to wear at least the bigger ones.
happily we will go buy bigger baby boy clothes
when we joyfully bring him home
our little, beefy boy who we love.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

and meanwhile

and as Owen is stranded in the NICU
amidst whirring machines and digital displays
this little one, Mira, is exploring the world. 
- dressed smartly in her new fall clothes.
Let's not forget the love and joy of 
the one who is happily in the world 
of sunshine and bike rides to the Y,
of stacking rings and friends.  
the world is a beautiful place
and, God willing, Owen will be
running in the grass, the sun shining

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

One step at a time

one step at a time, little Owen
no rush, we are here with you, as long as you 
are here with us
those little feet may be soft and smooth right now
but in time, your feet will toughen up from walking
in the tall grass, along rocky trails and chasing Bella
along the sidewalk as you race towards the park.
just doing things that children
do, I know it's true.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Day 19: No progress, no deterioration

he's on his own schedule
in a way, I'm not surprised -
he is the son of two spiriting parents,
one who climbs onto refrigerators at 10 months,
the other who put away his toys for 9 months 
when his sister showed up, how dare her.
he has taken two weeks to show that blood
can flow mostly the right way in his heart,
all while we planned to donate his kidney,
hold on, he says, I'm not done yet.
that said, every time I hear the ring of a text,
I brace myself for the worst.
Instead I will myself, tomorrow, to expect
the best news, or at least, no news,
as I wait, sometimes impatiently, for Owen
and his doctors to deliver the good news
of his impending homecoming.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

The heart and lungs

The split, the shunt, the descending aorta.
on a boring day, thank the Creator for this boring day,
we can discuss over dinner how the heart and lungs work.
enjoying homemade apple pie with vanilla ice cream,
we watch a video on pulmonary hypertension, 
and follow up with sketches and annotations,
Susan asks for a copy; Karen says my handwriting is too messy.
I'll understand now when Daniel tells me about right to left shunt
(really bad) where de-oxygenated blood flows into oxygenated blood,
or left to right shunt (bad, but not as bad) when oxygenated blood flows
back into the de-oxygenated blood heading to the lungs.
and the split, having to do with valves not closing at the same time,
when they should, because pressures are wrong.  
I understand this now.
I hope for more boring days where baby steps are taken
toward recovery, that our Owen will be able to come home.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Fighter

Hey, I'm not ready to go yet.
I see it in his eyes that follow me as I 
sing to him, 
rip up that paperwork to donate my kidney
forget that genetics stuff, I'm fine.
just started out badly...
time for you all to give me a chance.
Shock settled over the room when the echo
showed zero splits, blood flowing across his
now we wait for tomorrow, for the big test,
to see whether Little Owen will show up,
little biceps bulging, eyes open, to fight
for his own life,
and for ours. 10/9/2021

Day 16: I love to go a'wandering

I love to go a'wandering
 along the mountain track,
and as I go, I love to sing
my knapsack on  my back

Val-deri, val-dera
my knapsack on my back.

I love to wander by the stream
that dances in the sun
so joyously it calls to me
"Come, join my happy song"

I will always sing that song to you, my darling Owen,
and feel you in the wind, the golden aspen trees
that left us in awe on the drive up the canyon,
the thrum of the motor, my brother, the wind in my hair,
the sun falling behind the clouds, the rain,
all of nature in display, all the ways I will feel
you, when I go see Owen the fish, when I go see Owen
the turtle up where I would pray for you.  
I will go there often and we will talk
in that special language between a grandma
and her beloved grandson.
I love you, Owen.  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Opa shows up, in absentia

If he were here, he would  have been goofy,
if he could have kept himself from crying,
but he can't.
So wearing his Elmo hat and bringing his book,
I sub in for story time.
Opa loves You.
Opa, the goofy guy with the balding head,
the man who loves children and animals so much,
he cries readily at their suffering.
A good man.
But we can't be sobbing for our loss,
Let's celebrate Owen in our lives and dance 
and sing, tell stories and read books, let's make jokes
and do goofy imitations.
We have so little time, let's not waste it on tears.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Happy Birthday, Owen!

It's time to celebrate!
All gather around for Owen's two week birthday,
come doctors and nurses, come mama and papa,
roll out the birthday cupcakes, and put on a hat!
Let's sing to Owen,
with all our hearts and lungs,
with spirit and love.
and for this special event, papa can hold
his son in his arms and look into his eyes,
feel the warmth of his small body against his
and feel thankful for these moments,
too short, but never forgotten. 10/6/2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Let's dance until the day is done

Let's dance until the day is done, 
while we still can, 
let's laugh until the our bellies hurt
I'm with you, father with son, we're together...
I'll roll my shoulder and smile under the mask,
you'll suck on the tube, and furrow your brow.
Let's ignore the  machines and the whirrs and 
hums of machines, the steady dings of monitors...
It's just you and me, son, dancin' as long 
as the day, I'm smiling at you, son...
I know you are smiling at me.
Only when you are dozing in your small bed
will the tears and sobs wrack my body.  10/5/2021

Monday, October 4, 2021

Day 12: Its time to say good-bye

We are with you, Owen, in these last hours,
between sobbing and mute shock, we touch
your beautiful forehead and chubby tummy,
you suck hard on the ventilator tube, then your 
face relaxes, then your tiny eyebrows furrow.
I know you hear me singing, I know you
are listening intently to The Lorax, the book
your grandpa is reading, your parents are
there next to you, whispering sweet nothings,
I am here, our love for you fills the room,
you will never be forgotten
beloved Owen
our hearts weep.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Day 11: A hard day

a spinal tap, blood tests, a swab
and nothing shows up
the splits split and rejoin
we stumble along in an oscillating mix of hope
and fear, we are in a daze, there is only
so much we can take
I forget how to spell or my fingers
can't find the keys, there are no spaces
or too many, and words come out all wrong.
this is what happens when your heart
is in your mouth and you don't know
if you will swallow it whole or
drown .

Saturday, October 2, 2021

A hike with Daniel

we walked through forest, through dry grassy meadow,
we talked and were silent.
he stopped, checking his phone for news, texting with Tori.
we were silent.
there is no getting away from the uncertainty, the dread,
the fear, the helplessness, we can only distract ourselves
and see the beauty of the fall day,
maybe a moment of spirited discussion about something else,
but there is no escaping that we are thinking of Owen 
with every breath, with every heartbeat, with every step
no matter where the foot lands.  10/2/2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

Thank you cards

I needed to write 16 thank you cards;
some doctors, some nurses, a Broncos fan
and one who has four dogs. another who studies
organic chemistry on the side, two who know Tori
from 5th grade and from college,  the big doctor
who directs it all.
we thank them all, deeply, with gratitude,
bottomless gratitude for all they do for 
our beloved Owen.
In gratitude, I control my trembling hand
so as to render my handwriting legible.
I want them to understand
each word of thanks. 10/1/2021