Monday, March 31, 2008

50 years later: take our story to the world

Today is the 50th anniversary of the signing of the 17 point agreement between Tibet and China following the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1950. Down on the Pearl Street Mall, there was a small rally in support of the Tibetan people. As I have learned more about the plight of the Tibetan people, I have become more aware of the depth of human tragedy.

50 years later: take our story to the world

how our leader crossed a river in darkness
fleeing our country, our homeland,
leaving us fatherless, alone

make our sorrows known today
how we have lived in solitary confinement
our voices, our songs have been silenced.
how we have finally burst from
uncontainable suffering and frustration

his heart is constantly breaking for his people,
he has loved them for sixty-seven years
he is still calling out to the world to listen,
to hear us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jenny, I was there before I went over to see Jim Hightower speak at the Methodist Church. Can't believe I missed you, as I remember this guy doing the opening prayer....Kevin