Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bus Ride Home

Bus Ride Home

The good news is the bus was full,
but I did have to choose carefully where
to sit. There was one seat next to
a little blonde girl, but she was busy
talking loudly to a young man three rows up,
who had his legs hanging over the back of the
adjacent seat. Seemed rude to interrupt their
animated discussion on how stupid it was
of his girlfriend to run away to Broomfield
when she could have crashed with someone
in Boulder, and how she told her f*cking dad
that she wasn’t coming home for awhile.
I could have sat next to the girl in the back,
but she was whispering into her cell phone
and looked like she was about to cry.
Two seats taken over there by one older
man, looked to be homeless, clutching his plastic
bag even as he dozed on the bus.
The good news is the bus clientele was
diverse; Asians, Blacks, Whites, tattoos,
cigarettes, homeless, older, younger, working,
Vo-Tech kids heading into town.
I should do this more often,
real life does exist in Boulder after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learned lesson ... only ride the bus when you are too drunk to drive. It's a lot more entertaining.