Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's late

No picture tonight but I'm going to Mikes' Camera tomorrow to look for that little camera that will fit in my purse or pocket for when I see dead pigeons and other interesting objects.

It’s late

I’m glad it’s 11:30 p.m.
and I’m too tired to fully process
any feelings, simply going up and
down the stairs looking for
the accoutrements for camping
in the Namibian desert in June.
Leaving behind a sleeping bag
and pad, gators and Moleskin
at the door, a few lengthy hugs
and a Swiss good-bye, I watch
the porch light go out and I
know she is walking upstairs
to put my things into her suitcase.
I go home, and I’m too tired to fully
process the fact that I won’t see her
for another three and a half months,
how much I’ll miss her as she sleeps
under the African stars.

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