Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dead Pigeons and Cameras

Dead Pigeons and Cameras

I gingerly stepped over the dead pigeon
in the gutter across from Tee and Cakes.
The head was gone, as well as half the body,
and I wondered how it ended up in such
a sad state. My day must have been
extremely dull to find that the pigeon
was the most interesting part of my day
up to that point. I didn’t have my
camera with me and so could not
capture the pigeon as it was, surrounded
by candy wrappers, dirty paper cups
and the derelict leaves which had
escaped the fall raking on the mall.
I need a new camera, I thought to myself,
one that fits easily into my purse so
I can photograph men in red convertibles
and dead pigeons.


Cecile said...

Tiny cameras that fit any purse are on sale at Mike camera at the moment. I don't mean to be pushy about it but I hate to miss the red convertible.
Okay, the truth is that I like to tease you. ;)

Unknown said...

Death by bird. You'd be surprised how many small falcons live in the the city and take down pigeons and starlings. I had a Cooper's Hawk tear through my backyard and take a starling at the bird feeder. That was something to see, though not for the faint of heart. Kind of like watching lions at the kill - pretty gruesome.