Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Gecko on the Moon

Nature is an amazing thing. Scientists have just figured out why Geckos can climb up glass, or anything else for that matter. Van der Waals forces, those normally weak forces between polarizable surfaces. How? By millions of tiny pads on their feet which have close atomic spacing to the surface. And why important on the moon? To suck up particles, kind of like the lint brush on your pants! Well, we'll have to develop Geckos that don't need oxygen first! ; )

The Gecko on the Moon

The gecko went to the moon
to save the astronauts from
engulfment by lunar dust
using his finest toes, their
setae in fine repair, running
around and around on the
astronauts lunar suits, collecting
dust, only to drop it in designated
waste baskets. Yes, the gecko went
to the moon, his fine shoes polished
to a fine gleam, her toe nails
colored with cherry red polish,
the NASA geckos, no one else
can do their work as well
as nature herself.

1 comment:

frizatch said...

... and don't forget about the gecko's tail: