Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The First Day of the Sixth Year

The First Day of the Sixth Year

The sixth year of war began today.
Small protests erupted across the nation,
thirty students at Harvard chanted in rhymes
that made no sense, claiming power
they do not have. My daughter was there.
I was driving to work in my 1992
3-cylinder Justy, following a 3 ton Black
Explorer that pulled into the Conoco at
32nd and Arapahoe to fill up with liquid gold.
Five years ago, Bush’s campaign code-named
Shock and Awe shamed all of America.
Our Marines had orders to guard
the Ministry of Oil, but to do nothing
as looters destroyed stores and burned cars.
Today, my daughter protests, frustrated at
how few people show up to protest this
horrible war. The sad thing is that almost
no one shows up for anything anymore.
Most of us go about our business as if
everything is just fine.
Even when it’s not.

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