Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Growth Interruptus

New Growth Interruptus

It wasn’t her fault.
The ragged new growth
between the flagstones,
sprouting on the east
side of the large boulder
in the back corner all
looked to be the same
as what I asked her to pull.
Weeds grow vigorously this
time of year and it’s important
to get them early before they
go to seed. I encouraged
relentless weeding.
I napped a bit,
let her work alone
the next few hours.
Looking out back at the
bleak brown sameness,
I noted the result of her
vigorous work. Irises
sprouting from dirt, but
not much else. Bags of
weeds, and thyme
so carefully tended the
last couple years, all jumbled
in neatly stacked paper bags
waiting for spring pickup.
She was my student.
I was the inadequate teacher.
It was not her fault,
but I’m still sad.


frizatch said...

My thyme was never as vigorous as yours, but it should be good enough this year for you to get some when you need it. (A bit of consolation.)

Unknown said...

This is why no one else weeds my garden! It's too hard to distinguish the friend from the foe in the mish-mash that is my garden.