Friday, January 14, 2022

Djiby Seye, friend, celebrated comedian

Djiby Seye, friend, comedian, well known in Senegal. The original plan: for him to pick me up at 11 am to go to an event where he was performing.  The actual:  4 p.m .he showed up at the hotel to pick me up.  I hung on to him for dear  life as we weaved through epic traffic jams on his motorcycle.  He was a careful driver and I soon was able to look past the clouds of pollution exiting the exhaust pipes of the cars and buses to the surrounding scenery, the palatial government buildings and the beautiful, relatively new African History Museum (I definitely want to go there again).  

We had lunch at La Planche (the board, a buffet style restaurant) and talked about his desire to become a producer, not just an actor.  it's very hard to make that leap as capital is needed for a studio, cameras, etc etc.  We stopped a few places along the way to chat with his friends and admirers.  Stopped to talk to a famous (infamous) journalist, who was ejected from the station where he worked after inflammatory commentary on the President, Macky Sall.  

On the way back, we stopped to visit with a well known journalist, but perhaps more of a scoundrel, maybe it's hard to tell the difference sometimes?  Pape Alle Niang - ejected from a main news outlet, started his own on FaceBook, strong and vocal critic of Macky Sall, but also a heavy drinker.  What a mix.

I got the full lecture on taking things with the OWEN Project very slowly, with great caution.  Message received, and probably a change of direction/approach.  

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