Friday, January 14, 2022

Dakar! Beach, shaman, the room shenanigans

I met this artist/shaman/partially blind man on the beach (where else?) and I got a custom tour of his residence.  It is on the sand and contains several "rooms". He has an outside lobby, shown here, as well as a bedroom of sorts, a shrine of unidentifiable religious origin (animist??), and some other random spaces.  I was curious, and I could have taken him out using capoeira  ; )  He claimed to be from a long line of clairvoyants.  We talked about Owen, the afterlife, Dakar, Wolof....My friends are highly suspicious of such types, but I never felt unsafe.  That said, one never knows what combination of truth, lies or confabulations are mixed together.

(Later, I went back to see this guy with Makale, who knows him.  He is a very strange fellow, but I needed to see him again for some sense of seeing who he was.  I won't go back.)

The beach is beautiful. Very quiet this time of day.  Activity picks up significantly late afternoon as the soccer games start.  It's easy to find yourself in the middle of one as one of the outer boundaries is the surf.

Ah, yes, the never ending laundry.  Women hand wash clothing for their family, and for hire.  The amount of manual labor here is a way of life. 

This room has a stove and oven!  A first!  Note the propane tank to the side.  I also have a refrigerator and an electric kettle.  Even a few random dishes and silverware.  

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