Sunday, January 16, 2022

My phones: how to navigate different phone numbers and buying phone credit

 Having a phone with a local number and your home phone is nice, and is kind of necessary for on-the-go contact where there is no wifi and you don't want to pay Verizon $10/day!

In this case, my daughter-in-law donated her old iPhone 5 to the OWEN Project.  Djiby Seye passed on his old SIM card to me, so sometimes I get phone calls to him.  There was no phone credit on it, but I kept getting these promotional messages by text.  I wasn't quite sure how this all worked.  Saliou brought me to an Orange money kiosk. You hand over the phone number and they sell you some credit.  In this case, I bought 1000 cfa, about $1.75.  The promotion was a multiplier of 7x, so I have that much in credit for the next 7 days.  

I would never have figured this out.

UPDATE:  I gave up on the two phone arrangement.  If I ever texted on my U.S. number, even using Wi-Fi, Verizon would activate a 24 hour Travellers Pass.  Such a scam...I put my Senegalese SIM card in my U.S. Phone.

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