Monday, January 17, 2022

Makale, business of all sorts, athlete, a fish in the water

His name is Makale (which means "key", his real name is Libas Ndieye. He's the most mild mannered, sweet guy.  I met him on the beach, of course, and we have become friends.  He is helping me learn Wolof, is opening his own restaurant, works at the Paradise Beach where there are umbrellas with mats, and also will do combat in the Senegalese sport called "lutte", which is kind of like wrestling.  It works by someone paying for a challenge.  So, while we were sitting there, someone could  hypothetically walk up and say, "I want you to challenge this dude" and off they would go.  here he is in his traditional African dress.  Born and raised in Yoff (neighborhood where my hotel is).  I met him at the beach supervising the little straw umbrellas shading visitors from the sun.  We got chatting and I said that I was learning Wolof.  Everyone thinks that is so cool. 

Makale is a Lebou; fisherman, those who know the sea as well as the land.  I was afraid to go in the ocean, but with him close by, I can feel completely safe that I won't end up in a current going out to sea. 

Here is Makele, doing his fitness training.  Men here (and maybe women, but I don't see them on the beach).  Probably best not to get in a fight with him.... ; )

January 18,  we walked along the beach, and said hello to Mamadoo. Makale is trying to convince me that I should move to Senegal and just visit my family from time to time.  ; )

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