Monday, January 17, 2022

Lac Rose

 Lac Rose on the internet is this beautiful, tranquil tourist destination.  I have to differ on that, as does the brother of my friend, Saliou, who lives there.  The Senegalese government does nothing to develop these areas.  There  was a slight rose tint at the edges of the lake, and few boat launches for a brief out and back on the lake.  There is a substantial salt harvesting operation and I bought two bags of salt to bring home.  

salt harvesting

the lake, see a slight pink hue at edge

one of the boats we took out;  3000 cfa for a short ride, about $5.

My friend, Saliou, is a dear friend and also my security.  Upon arrival in the taxi, we were swarmed by men yelling at us to go this restaurant or that hotel.  It was quite the scene.  I was also the last day of the Paris-Dakar race and the roar of motorcycles, trucks, ATV's filled the air. There was some impressive dune jumping.  

At the boat place, there was also a small spring where Saliou collected water to drink.  I, of course, stick to my filtered, UV treated water.
There must have been 20-25 small huts where we stayed.  We took a demi-pension which included dinner and breakfast.  Tourism has taken a huge hit in Senegal.  You can see below that the poolside is well appointed and calm.

You can also see below that there is no pool.

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