Thursday, April 18, 2019

Another day in Dakar: Jenny's on her own

The day's agenda was for me to go back to Mariste to get a dress altered, meet up with Iba's sister during the day, and have dinner with Khady, Ameth's aunt, in the evening.  I was prepared (after I did my laundry in the sink).  Not to spend more than 2000 CFA and hope that the taxi driver spoke French.

Mariste has many more shops and a few more paved streets.  A horse and cart is side by side with a taxi.  Nearby, nice cars are covered to protect them from every present dust and sand.  At the boutique, I asked that my dress be altered so that I could wear it in the U.S. (now, the straps are like most dresses in U.S., not off the shoulder). I bought take-out lunch of, what else, chicken and fries for Iba's sister, Iba and nephew, and got the full story about how she was looking for funds to start her business.  Another example of talent and drive going to waste due to lack of capital.

I have to admit that having a separate space that is more Western is nice.  This place, Residence Ba, is like an extended stay hotel in the U.S. with some people staying 2 weeks.

Although we were invited to have dinner at 19h at Aunt Khady, Saliou was stuck in traffic and only got back to his place (around the corner from the hotel) around 20h, and Iba, who was to join us only showed up at 21h, so we ate at the usual 21h. Khady did all the preparation and cooking while seated on a low stool close to floor level.  The "stove" is a propane tank.  The chicken is first cooked (not sure how as that was done earlier), then marinated and finally fried.  It's very delicious, as was the rest of the meal.  A lengthy discussion in Wolof then proceeded regarding Plan and Ameth.  I knew from experience that this could go on for an hour or more, so I announced that I was very tired (being an old American woman) and we headed back to Yoff.

You can maybe tell that I am getting ready to leave Dakar.  I think everyone is ready to get back to their routines and responsibilities!

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