Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How did I meet these people?

Through Plan USA (part of Plan International), I have sponsored children throughout the developing world over the last 20 years.  One of them is Ameth Dieye, a boy in Mpal, Senegal.  We corresponded occasionally over the last 10 years.  The money actually goes to the village for improved water, sanitation, school improvements, etc.  It used to be that we could send small gifts like a soccer ball or something of equivalent value.  When Ameth turned 18ish, his tenure in the program was terminated and he sent me a lovely letter expressing his sadness at the ending of our relationship.  Thus, started my attempt to find him through social media.  Why not?  This is the 21st century after all.

In steps Iba.  One of his friends was an Ameth Dieye (not the one I was seeking).  I didn't know then that this name is extremely common.  Through a lengthy correspondance over many months, and some revisiting of Ameth's letters, I discovered that Ameth lives in Mpal.  Iba's family lives in St. Louis, fairly close to Mpal, and when he was up here visiting his family, he went to Mpal and looked for Ameth.  Serendipity played a role.  Iba had several photos of Ameth from when he was younger to ask people in the village if they knew this person.  The first person happened to be his uncle!  So that is how I came to know Iba, and we have continued our relationship since then.  Iba moved to Dakar to study and find opportunity.  I have helped him financially to stay in school, learn English and have an apartment closer to his work. Now he has an (unpaid, but hopefully paying job soon) in a start-up in Dakar.  I want him to become independent as soon as possible.

Saliou is best friends with my half-brother, Pierre, who lived here when he was a college student.  Saliou is in his mid-forties.  His is a long story of having traveled/lived in various parts of Africa and Egypt, finally coming back to Senegal, a story of tension between a father who gives nothing, and a story of a man, Saliou, who starts his own business selling ink cartridges for commercial printers. This is a man who travels to China to set up a business relationship over there.  He travels all over Dakar, by bus, on foot, by taxi, developing a client base.  His tenacity, coupled with tremendous optimism and good cheer, is truly a testament to the human capacity to persevere.

Badou and I started corresponding through conversation exchange, where one can find people around the world who want to improve their command of your language, and vice versa.  He graduated with a master's degree in agricultural chemistry, lives with his family, has a terrible commute to a French start-up.  He also is unpaid but hopefully will be paid soon.  He has family support but I help out with expenses related to getting to work.  Badou is very charming and I like him very much.

Pascal, who I have not yet met, is the nephew of the ex-girlfriend of my half brother.  He has invited me to stay with him and his family in Saly, where he works in the hotel industry.

All the men I have described are very tall!  And all the men are very slim.  The women range in size  ; )
First photo:  From left:  Iba, Saliou, Badou
Second Photo:  Badou and Iba with the T-shirts I brought them from Boulder ; )

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