Friday, April 12, 2019

Leaving Boulder, onward to Dakar

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders as soon as I walked out the door.  For the next three weeks, no responsibilities at home or work.  Freedom of a sort I had not experienced -  no husband, no garden, no dog.  I was surprised at the feeling. Two girls took this photo of me.  I was to find out later that my T-shirt, any short sleeve shirt, was not warm enough for a rather brisk Dakar.

With the help of a magic small white pill that dear brother gave me, I was able to sleep on the plane, deeply, until Boris, my French seat mate, who migrated to the U.S. nudged me hard enough to wake  me.  I was grateful he swapped seats with me to give me his aisle seat!  no complaints on being woken up!  Boris, born and raised in Paris, now working remote as a software engineer in Grand Junction, Colorado!

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