Thursday, April 18, 2019

What Senegalese people have for sale - they will let you know!

A nice man, 60ish, approached me to chat, telling me of "relatives" in California.  I was actually looking for an ATM of some sort, having blown through alot of money.  He walked with me to the right location and I entered through two doors into a small space with an ATM.  Every time I go to these places, its kind of scary because anyone can follow you in; there is no security and there is no lock on the inside.  He was, of course, waiting for me when I came out.  He told me that he is an artist and only then did I notice he had a large backpack, which he proceeded to open, pulling out at least three bags of jewelry.  Some of it was very nice and I ended up buying three necklaces and a bracelet. the lovely blue and white bands are different colors of electrical wiring, if you look closely.  Quite well done actually.   I did a little bit of bargaining, always some thing foreign for Americans to do, and he threw in an extra necklace into the bargain.  Was it a good deal?  I think it was a fair deal, maybe a little more than a Senegalese would pay, but not outrageously out of line.  I did notice that very simple necklaces in the hotel cost outrageous sums.

The Senegalese people sell fabrics with colorful designs which are nicely displayed on all the women!  There are tailors readily available who are happy to measure you and whip up an outfit of your choice.  (The women I have visited have also tried to give me an outfit of their traditional dress, but I have tried to gently explain that we don't wear clothing like that and it would be best put to use here.  However, one of them stuck their offering in Iba's bag anyway.)  In one of the pictures below, you can see the different types of fabrics in clothing items I have purchased here.

And, of course, anything else you might think of that would perhaps appeal to tourists:  masks, wooden objects of various sorts.

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