Wednesday, April 17, 2019

On the road: St. Louis to Mpal

It got very hot as we drove into the interior (map is somewhere down in the photos).  The driver was from Mauritania and I was impressed, if not by the poor condition of his vehicle, by the fuzzy car seat covers he had on the front seats.  ; )  Law requires that everyone wear seat belts in the car, but I have yet to see one.  At first, I cringed as I watched what seemed to be "accidents about to happen"; now I hardly notice.  Buses, cars, pirogues (boats, for fishing), horses....they all play an essential role in the life of the people here.

Trees are spaced at some distance from one another, characteristic of very dry landscapes.  Horse drawn carts are often visible, children wielding the whip. That said, the horses appear to be in good condition, often sporting decorative halters.

In smaller towns, people are grouped under trees, chatting, passing time.  Various types of fruits are for sale;  I see some men doing construction, others build very nice furniture which is displayed in front. There are many money transfer kiosks in Senegal; they are slightly larger than a typical phone booth.

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