Sunday, April 21, 2019

Day One in Casamance

Le Fromager is a 30 minute walk outside Cap Skirring, the town that attracts tourists and all kinds of local hawking their wares.  it's peaceful here except for the music that continues until 3 am.  Thank goodness for ear plugs.  Saliou and the proprietor of this place don't even hear it - I asked them the next day.  

The beach is deserted, except for a small clientele hanging out around the bar.  We walked aways down the beach, dipping our feet in warm ocean water.  We found out on return from a local guy that a bit past where we turned around, we would have been in Guinea, the neighboring country.  Maybe we'll go there tomorrow.

There's very few tourists here in Kabrousse and the food is cheap.  The usual fish and rice cost 1600 cfa, or about $3.  In Cap Skirring, where we walk this evening, the food was a bit more sophisticated, and the prices, due to the tourism, reflected that.  It was also very good and I had a beer, too.  Wine is very expensive here.

Pretty lazy day. My iPad does not load pictures with a weak Wi-Fi connection.  (Now I am at a restaurant with nominally better connection  ; )

Jenny's Daily Poetry fix

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